Learn how to do it right, even if it's hard. The purpose of any business is to be the absolute solution to the need they are filling.
Join Heather Kilcrease and Amber Frazier-Finkelstein as they explain away the mysteries of creating content that connects in a way that drives your business.
SEO Optimization should not be the only formula for your success. While technical optimization is useful - it can also temperamental. Real content optimization (informational content) creates faith and trust in your brand. Successful content revolves around the passion of what you do and the solutions your company offers, not what’s it's "selling".
Although, there is no formula for optimized content. There are verifiable ways to shine.
Neil Gaiman once said exactly what we, as SEO strategist, optimizers and writers, need to do, "Make.Good.Art".
Everything in this world, whether it's a mathematical equation or blog, came to fruition through an idea and the urgent NEED to create it. That's the original D.N.A. of optimized content.