Jairus thinks search stuff is cool, but that people overcomplicate the easy parts and oversimplify the complicated stuff.
Jairus (@AnInternetRobot) has worked for small, mid-market and now enterprise. He's been an agency, freelance, and in-house. A wearer of many hats and a font of useless knowledge, he found his calling as a trivia ringer early (but that doesn't pay the bills, so he got into SEO).
Right now he is wrangling Red Hat's web ecosystem, where he spends a lot of time talking about query intent and linking structure. He likes beverages and consuming them with interesting people. Especially if they have strong opinions about things.
Seriously, there is a reason.
Let's talk about what people do and why, and how we figure that out and build stuff for the questions that people are asking.
Yes, it is still a question if they leave out 80% of the words that would make it a complete sentence.
From Red Hat