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You know how some people are great at building an audience, but they struggle to earn money from their effort. I help businesses with an audience find the profit they're overlooking without wasting time with business models that aren't right for them.

Maybe SEO Is Not The Answer

I was recently hired to help a client bring more traffic to their site with SEO - but I decided NOT to do that. We're going to take a deep dive into the changes I helped this client make which grew their revenue by 12X in just 3 months. Then we'll touch on how I helped put systems in place so this client was able to focus on his growing family while maintaining his income working just a few hours each week.

After the presentation, you can find the slides here.

Frank C Jones speaking at the Raleigh SEO Meetup Conference

About Frank C Jones

I help businesses with an audience earn more money.

Twitter: @FrankCJones

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Raleigh SEO Meetup Conference - Maybe SEO Is Not The Answer

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