Eric Enge publishes groundbreaking research studies on a regular basis in The Digital Marketing Excellence blog and also writes in Search Engine Land, Moz, Forbes, Copyblogger, and elsewhere. He is also a co-author of The Art of SEO, along with Stephan Spencer, Rand Fishkin, and Jessie Stricchiola. Eric speaks at many industry conferences, including PubCon, Search Marketing Expo, SES, ClickZ Live, State of Search, MNSearch, and much more. Eric is the CEO of Stone Temple Consulting, a 60+ person digital marketing agency based in Massachusetts.
You have your responsive website and think you’re all set? NOT EVEN CLOSE! The mobile revolution is well underway, and it’s imperative that you shift your entire mindset to mobile first now. This keynote will explore what that actually means, and show you the awesome opportunities that it can create for you.
After the presentation, you can find the slides here.
Eric Enge is a 14-year SEO veteran and the co-author of The Art of SEO, published by O'Reilly Media
Twitter: @stonetemple
Connect with Eric on Linked In
Company: Stone Temple Consulting
Other Social: Google+, Twitter