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Casey is the Senior SEO and Content Manager at O3 Creative. She has become an educational speaker in SEO and Google Analytics training here in the Triangle for small business owners and public educators. Over the last 5 years in the digital agency world, she has become an expert in on-site and off-site SEO specializing in developing integrated marketing strategies and efficient execution through valuable digital channels. Her search expertise is focused on organic search engine performance and goal-setting based on site impressions, click-through rates, traffic, and conversions. She has extensive industry knowledge in digital tech trends and Google Algorithm updates. The O3 team distinguishes her as the analytics mentor for clients and team lead in providing custom tracking for clients' KPIs. She also leads the strategic marketing research analysis projects which are essentially for online audience target discovery and content creation direction.

Redefining SEO's Role in Business Development

Let’s be real, SEO is an eminently misunderstood service. Through educating clients, I found that many business owners and marketing managers see SEO as internet wizardry that requires a highly technical skill set to accomplish organic search success. Side note: I’d like to propose this professional position be renamed to “Search Analytics Strategist."

SEO should come down to what digital marketing approach provides the best search results for the specific customers, partners, clients, or patients you’re serving, and how to keep Google happy. We need to redefine SEO as a service since it is no longer representing what it used to be - spammy links, keyword stuffing, and hidden manipulation of the SERP.

After the presentation, you can find the slides here.

Casey Overcash speaking at the Raleigh SEO Meetup Conference

About Casey Overcash

Casey Overcash is the Senior SEO and Content Manager at O3 Creative, an educational speaker in SEO and Google analytics with expertise focused on organic search engine performance and goal-setting decisions based on strategic marketing audience discovery.

Twitter: @caseyovercash

Connect with Casey on Linked In

Company: O3 Creative

Other Social: Instagram


Raleigh SEO Meetup Conference - Agency SEO

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