Amanda went to UNC-Greensboro and graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and business minor. She spent 2011-2015 at The Dolan Company managing awards events for attorneys and other business professionals in North and South Carolina and Rochester, New York. In May of 2015, she joined the Consultwebs team and shifted her career path to focus on SEO and web marketing for law firms, and has loved every minute of learning the ins-and-outs of the field of SEO. She moved to Raleigh 2 years ago from Charlotte, N.C.
Key important information about how to claim and manage Google My Business listings, and how to move through issues that may arise during the process.
After the presentation, you can find the slides here.
I have seen and handled every issue imaginable with Google My Business for some of the most competitive SERPs in the country.
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Company: Consultwebs
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